Ele Nora: View from AInkawa Mall
Ele Nora: Ainkawa mall - inside
Ele Nora: Barber at Ainkawa Mall
Ele Nora: playing in pools
Ele Nora: playing in pools
Ele Nora: playing in pools
Ele Nora: Ainkawa Mall - small girl tying her shoes
Ele Nora: Barber at AInkawa Mall
Ele Nora: Clothes hung - Ainkawa Mall
Ele Nora: Ainkawa Mall - wash facilities
Ele Nora: Sofa culture
Ele Nora: Old man from Qaraqosh
Ele Nora: Drawing on dusty windows
Ele Nora: In occupied school
Ele Nora: Young girl
Ele Nora: IDPs in Erbil from Qaraqosh
Ele Nora: Woman making the stuffing for her pillow
Ele Nora: Women escaped to Daish
Ele Nora: Harsham IDP camp - 1,600 individuals are living in tents
Ele Nora: Baharka IDP camp
Ele Nora: Life of hardship
Ele Nora: Rascals
Ele Nora: Baharka camp after heavy rain
Ele Nora: Baharka Camp after heavy rain
Ele Nora: Baharka Camp after heavy rain
Ele Nora: Wheelchair - sofa
Ele Nora: Baharka flooded
Ele Nora: Broken childhood
Ele Nora: Open shoes even in winter
Ele Nora: Blowing balloons