mittagskind: Hinterhof Fundstücke
Henny Vogelaar: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims-🎈
HWHawerkamp: Dynamic Shape
rocami19: livinG reflectionS ⭐️
Brian Legg.: Halls 2
Brian Legg.: Lego building
Leon.vanKemenade: The Bookcase building
dipper24: bokeh-line
rocami19: reflectionS ⭐️
rocami19: it´s abouT lighT
albyn.davis: abstract
rocami19: brutalisT architecturE ⭐️
rocami19: livinG arT
Yasu Torigoe: An area storing partial Buddha statues at the Wat Ratchaburana in Ayutthaya, Thailand. 255a
rocami19: livinG reflectionS
Henny Vogelaar: From A (mersfoort) To B (erlijn)
froc / John Deuf: Orange_001
rocami19: livinG lineS
Henny Vogelaar: Hey .... You Too..!!!!!......2......
Walerija Weiser: Transition
rocami19: coLLage
Henny Vogelaar: Concrete "Monster" Saved
HWHawerkamp: Wall and Windows
Henny Vogelaar: “Silence is a source of great strength.” – Lao Tzu
rocami19: businEss to consumEr
rocami19: stairCase