elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1904. From the family album. Szinérváralja - Szatmár
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1906. Szinérváralja - Szatmár
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Scherling. Verso of a photo from the family album
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1904, grandmother as a young girl
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1902. From the family album. I've found at last the scanned verso after six years!
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1907. From the family album. Girls with parasols
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Art Nouveau reverse of a Hungarian vintage photo, around 1907
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1901, a faded family photo
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1901, a faded family photo
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1908, Lajosmajor, férjem nagyanyja
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Backside of a 1907 photo
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1902. Szatmár. From the family album
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Reverse of a 1902 photo
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Reverse of a 1916 photo
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1918, my paternal grandmother
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Around 1907, my paternal grandmother with her family, Kézdivásárhely
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1918, Dés, Transylvania. My paternal grandmother and grandfather, newly married - Apai nagyanyám és nagyapám friss házasként
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Plenty of time. My great-grandparents, around 1900-1910, Brassó
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: My great-grandparents bathing
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: Picnic in 1917 in Buda Hills, at Normafa
elinor04 thanks for 47,000,000 views!: 1917. Two sisters and their friend / Két nővér és barátnőjük