.no.pussy.blues.: Here comes the devil, prowl around one whiskey for every ghost and i'm sorry for what i've done cause it's me who know what it cost...
.no.pussy.blues.: around midnight...
.no.pussy.blues.: in the crowds, i lost myself...with my psychopathiasexualis in my wallet.
.no.pussy.blues.: rock'n'horns, baby!
.no.pussy.blues.: wolf like me.
.no.pussy.blues.: avrei potuto benissimo cercare parole nei dizionari, prendere in prestito vocaboli da eminenti eminenze della lingua o da scivolosi ed eruditi scrittori e poeti in malarnese, ormai morti e sepolti ma perchè no...
.no.pussy.blues.: l'avvocato del diavolo.
.no.pussy.blues.: Into the mercy seat I climb ...
.no.pussy.blues.: masquerade.
.no.pussy.blues.: searching for a melody for d fallen angel.
.no.pussy.blues.: pensees massacre.
.no.pussy.blues.: the great destroyer.
.no.pussy.blues.: un diavolo per capello.
.no.pussy.blues.: "...quello che rimase nel buio squarciato della notte: una striscia di sangue sull'asfalto dal cofano al bordo della strada."
.no.pussy.blues.: "...a whole life a long night with eyes open wide, the land you dreamed decays and decays under your feet when it's sunk into flesh, it's deep as damnation, on the third bank no one sleeps or wakes..."
.no.pussy.blues.: "...they always play your favorite tune and dream away when everyone's gone, dream away your grey sky too, dream away and nothing is wrong..."
.no.pussy.blues.: "...and at some point we're all supposed to get up on stage to sing and dance to reach the ecstatic climax of the event to join the shared glossolalia. Am I only Jesus? I am only Jesus."
.no.pussy.blues.: "Lungenzuge tief ins Leere keinen Klepper, keine Mahre wie der Springer im Spiel der Spiele, Der Tod ist Ein Dandy...Der Tod ist Ein Dandy...Der Tod ist Ein Dandy auf einem Pferd."
.no.pussy.blues.: "...everything's blue in this world, the deepest shade of mushroom blue all fuzzy spilling out of my head."
.no.pussy.blues.: ".i cross my heart.all the time.it's always the same.nothing happened.i cross my wrist.now you shut up.it's always the same.nothing happened."
.no.pussy.blues.: making dinner for Xmas...
.no.pussy.blues.: "i'll be 21 today.i been saving all my pay and my plane will touch down on the day after tomorrow...and my plane it will touch down on the day after tomorrow."
.no.pussy.blues.: sKetcHbOx frOm a WondErfuLLL neWYearsEvE!!!!
.no.pussy.blues.: "Take your hatred out on me make your victim my head.you never ever believed in me.i am your tourniquet."
.no.pussy.blues.: "in the blur of serenity where did everything get lost?the flowers of naivete buried in a layer of frost."
.no.pussy.blues.: "you.what you looking at?head down.too late for that.what you want.what you get.know your place.don't ever forget!"
.no.pussy.blues.: the d in x.
.no.pussy.blues.: the d in v.