noppechan: nice place my friends took me tonight
noppechan: done!
noppechan: いただきます
noppechan: schnitzel!!
noppechan: schneeweiß
noppechan: schneeweiß
noppechan: schneeweiß
noppechan: schneeweiß
noppechan: schneeweiß
noppechan: What was the name of the restaurant?
noppechan: what was the name of the restaruant?
noppechan: This is the name of the restaurant
noppechan: bdaydinnerbyKKAM (13 of 49)
noppechan: community living=harmony
noppechan: very detailed cartoon style
noppechan: Didn't I see you guys near Alex Plaza?
noppechan: This may seem to be new to me