NO.PLAY: Waiting
NO.PLAY: Preparations
NO.PLAY: Entering the crowd
NO.PLAY: During the seremony
NO.PLAY: The preacher man doing his thing
NO.PLAY: Wedding music - Finnish tango
NO.PLAY: The ring
NO.PLAY: Just married
NO.PLAY: Dinner is served
NO.PLAY: The L-word speech
NO.PLAY: A few of the Normal people
NO.PLAY: A view of the bar, the food and the people
NO.PLAY: Gerhard Schjelderup
NO.PLAY: Heming
NO.PLAY: Debrief
NO.PLAY: Nickie
NO.PLAY: Rocking the DJ-booth
NO.PLAY: Dinner meeting with Johan
NO.PLAY: Thank you Svein.
NO.PLAY: Bad weather coming in.
NO.PLAY: Nice car
NO.PLAY: Drinking tea
NO.PLAY: Maki in the Park