photonooner: "What's that?"
photonooner: "I'm not sure I heard you..."
photonooner: "Sorry!"
photonooner: "Sorry, but can you stop?"
photonooner: Deep in thought
photonooner: Thinking about napping
photonooner: "Here, have a nose smudge on your lens!"
photonooner: "I hope no one heard that. Maybe I can blame the human."
photonooner: "Were you going to throw me food?"
photonooner: "Why am I being neglected?"
photonooner: "Huh?"
photonooner: "I didn't do it tall person!"
photonooner: "Protect me papa!"
photonooner: Jowl blur
photonooner: Sad face
photonooner: "I look DAMN good don't I?"
photonooner: "Who's that hot bitch outside? Oh wait..."