dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: leaky hose
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: decisions in the making
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: cute sweater
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: shoes in sunset shades
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: blue wood shoes
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: and no riff-raff
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: the man behind the calliope
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: cranking away
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: viking longboat
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: vikings now available in pint size and regular.
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: vikings readying for combat
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: taking a cheap shot while he's distracted
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: this is when the little viking decided to take melly out
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: this is when the big viking discovered the little one's plot
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: good thing it's not sharp
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: battle cry
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: constant vigilance
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: no more duck food
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: all in a row
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: bellydancers and the girl behind them. literally. not figuratively.
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: ein zwei drei fier ein zwei...
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: ze little vunz
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: ze germans!
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: multicolored
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: taut twirls
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: fully twirled
dion [oʇoɥdʞoɯɐ]: umbrella dance