Noodlefish: Big surf at Big Sur---1
Noodlefish: A view from Nepenthe
Noodlefish: Big surf at Big Sur
Noodlefish: Nepenthe vista
Noodlefish: Napa from the Highway
Noodlefish: A blue Jay
Noodlefish: Oystercatcher at the Aquarium
Noodlefish: Bridge from GGNRA
Noodlefish: Long exposure at Monterrey Aquarium
Noodlefish: Another bird at the Aquarium
Noodlefish: Blue Jay at Nepenthe
Noodlefish: Bird at the Aquarium
Noodlefish: The kids on a long exposure at the Aquarium
Noodlefish: Blue Jay at Nepenthe (again)
Noodlefish: Nepenthe
Noodlefish: Mushroom Trail at Domaine Chandon