Michael Saffle: Bowling Fellas
Michael Saffle: Colombia Trip
Michael Saffle: Dan and the Unabomber?
Michael Saffle: interesting bar
Michael Saffle: Happy Thanksgiving! 2007
Michael Saffle: Lake outside of Colombia
Michael Saffle: Colombian Wedding
Michael Saffle: Boston Beerworks
Michael Saffle: The Boys having fun in NC
Michael Saffle: Notice the safety helmet!
Michael Saffle: Edinburgh Castle
Michael Saffle: On Vacation
Michael Saffle: Uncle Bobby's motorcycle
Michael Saffle: What are you up to?
Michael Saffle: Like I said, I'll take the tree up to the car.
Michael Saffle: Brother and Sister
Michael Saffle: Colombian Wedding
Michael Saffle: Maryland Cookies
Michael Saffle: Colombians Invade D.C.
Michael Saffle: My Jr. Prom
Michael Saffle: My First Beer at Matt Kane's
Michael Saffle: Colombian Wedding
Michael Saffle: Fernado's Wedding Photos
Michael Saffle: Red faces means there was some drinking
Michael Saffle: Renaissance Festival Maryland
Michael Saffle: Danny loves him some cotton candy
Michael Saffle: La Calera (Just Outside of Bogota)
Michael Saffle: Candlepin bowling in Maine
Michael Saffle: Old Post Office Pavilion - Cherry Blossom Festival 2010
Michael Saffle: My llama and me, the bestest friend we can be