Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: Casey Ct. West, Elkridge
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: Casey Ct. West, Elkridge $245K
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: Casey Ct. West, Elkridge
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: Casey Ct. West, Elkridge
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: House Hunting is back on!
Michael Saffle: More House Hunting 7/3/2010
Michael Saffle: More House Hunting 7/3/2010
Michael Saffle: Was advised to extend this further from the house
Michael Saffle: Need to caulk this up so critters don't get in.
Michael Saffle: More caulk?
Michael Saffle: A bird lived in there. Stupid birds!
Michael Saffle: Inspector said to keep this clean and free of debris.
Michael Saffle: My home inspector. Looking for crack. Sorry, looking for cracks.
Michael Saffle: This would be the 100th time he would say "amateur work"
Michael Saffle: Someone got too excited and tried to close the window while the lock was out of place.
Michael Saffle: "AIN WATER VALVE"? What's an ain?
Michael Saffle: "NEVER TOUCH THIS!" Unless you want to turn off the water in the house. Then that's cool.
Michael Saffle: When you need to clean the main drain. You can drain the main vain somewhere else.
Michael Saffle: Stairs need to be expanded before I put my foot through one.