Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
? and Dad enjoying round 2 of the BBQ
Michael Saffle:
Morgan passing the wine
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
? enjoying some wine
Michael Saffle:
Morgan having a nice time
Michael Saffle:
My dad choking on something...
Michael Saffle:
This knife saw a lot of action
Michael Saffle:
That's not a knife...
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
Toupee? Some have said it may be...
Michael Saffle:
Lee and ?
Michael Saffle:
Not sure what ? is doing here...
Michael Saffle:
beer and cookies....good mix!
Michael Saffle:
Not sure what is going on here...
Michael Saffle:
smile for the camera...wait, what?
Michael Saffle:
not sure what that look is for....
Michael Saffle:
Parent's Weekend June 21, 2008 Saffle-Tribuno
Michael Saffle:
Craig is all smiles...must have been the wine
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
AJ watching the Frisbee game
Michael Saffle:
Michael Saffle:
There was a lot of this going on
Michael Saffle:
There was dancing but my camera killed the mood. Sorry.
Michael Saffle:
Jennie, AP and ?
Michael Saffle:
Got ? smiling! Yes!
Michael Saffle:
That's a big glass of wine