Michael Saffle: Pope in Denver, 1992
Michael Saffle: Michelle and Colleen at the Hoff
Michael Saffle: KingsDominion3
Michael Saffle: Kings Dominion
Michael Saffle: JeanLucFro
Michael Saffle: Colleen_Hoff
Michael Saffle: SUPC FILM at Art Attack 1997
Michael Saffle: My Masters Graduation 2000
Michael Saffle: Greg airing out his tent
Michael Saffle: SUPC Halloween Party
Michael Saffle: My Door Room 1995
Michael Saffle: Nice hair Lars Ulrich
Michael Saffle: My 2nd Roommate
Michael Saffle: My dorm closet in 1994.
Michael Saffle: Blond Ambition
Michael Saffle: Jean-Luc
Michael Saffle: My Door Room 1996
Michael Saffle: Mike and MS at Kings Dominion 1993
Michael Saffle: dorm room
Michael Saffle: JonNinja
Michael Saffle: duel (now in color)
Michael Saffle: MS & Mike