stephen w morris: Lab mud experiment
stephen w morris: lab crack experiment
stephen w morris: Mud, cracking
stephen w morris: Mud crack experiment
stephen w morris: Drying mud with repeated wetting cycles
stephen w morris: A single T junction in a mud crack pattern, evolving to a Y junction (3X repeated)
stephen w morris: Watching mud crack
stephen w morris: mud cracks on a hemisphere
stephen w morris: X ray tomography of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Columnar starch experiment
stephen w morris: Columnar joints in starch
stephen w morris: Starch columns, controlled experiment
stephen w morris: Columnar joints in starch
stephen w morris: Columnar joints in starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Starch columnar joints, drying rate controlled experiment
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Xray tomography movie of columnar joints in corn starch
stephen w morris: Columnar joints in corn starch: x-ray data