nonesuch: taken through the sunroof
nonesuch: spring flowers featuring wild onion
nonesuch: Working gear
nonesuch: Working gear
nonesuch: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
nonesuch: view out the back door
nonesuch: sink cabinet
nonesuch: sink cabinet askew
nonesuch: hot air vent in kitchen floor
nonesuch: unloading the stove
nonesuch: unloading the stove
nonesuch: unloading the stove
nonesuch: unloading the stove
nonesuch: old school sink hanger
nonesuch: bracing for the shower surround
nonesuch: shenanigans on the jobsite
nonesuch: Handibacker cement board
nonesuch: level and square... not!
nonesuch: I never installed wall tile before
nonesuch: only on the left side (yeah, that's the crip side)
nonesuch: shower stall in progress
nonesuch: blurry, but it shows how it was daylight when I started :-(
nonesuch: window niche
nonesuch: shower niche
nonesuch: What I did instead of going to the Beehive
nonesuch: slow but sure... 5 more tiles!
nonesuch: The tiling as of Tuesday night
nonesuch: The tiling as of Tuesday night
nonesuch: 12 tiles
nonesuch: so close to done