noneck: Like the mars bar, all good things come to an end... Next time I'm in GVA, this place will be gone.
noneck: One the most beautiful museums I've ever seen. It's home to Geneva's bravest!
noneck: The FDNY never had these cool helmets!
noneck: I'm a 1925 firetruck! Wooo-ah-wooo!
noneck: We like hydrants of all shapes and sizes!
noneck: Of course the firefighters have a slide on the third floor!
noneck: This is my "gas" stash!
noneck: I'm a disco firefighter!!!
noneck: At a free COOP wine tasting!
noneck: Wifi, mancala & absinthe!
noneck: Mmmmmmooooooo!
noneck: This is the view from today's ET team offsite! Oh man!
noneck: Do you remember the HP iPaq? #wef use to produce event apps for these devices.
noneck: Getting shorted in Geneva.
noneck: @danlatorre there is a tea for you!!!
noneck: Closing #OGDcamp keynote. Apparently, the only woman canceled. #needmorebalance!
noneck: .@daeaves talking about at #ogdcamp
noneck: "PEOA is what is needed in 21st century" - @JohnWonderlich
noneck: .@Nigel_Shadbolt at #ogdcamp
noneck: .@Rasiej asking "can we redefine public/online?" #ogdcamp
noneck: @philashlock & I with our new caps! Every hat must have a story!
noneck: I'm going to spend a month put of a suitcase & I can't decide how smart to be... #oldmanblues