no name slob: this charming man
no name slob: oh you handsome devil
no name slob: the boy with the thorn in his side
no name slob: striptease with a difference
no name slob: the printed word / might kill you
no name slob: and once again i turn to you
no name slob: messing around and pulling faces
no name slob: i've zig-zagged all over america
no name slob: i dance my legs down to the knees
no name slob: so grab me while we still have the time
no name slob: jeer the lights in the windows / of all safe and stable homes
no name slob: to me you are a work of art (even if this photo isn't)
no name slob: you don't have to have me
no name slob: even now
no name slob: i am a ghost
no name slob: in the corner of your room
no name slob: moz in motion