NonaG2011: When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other...
NonaG2011: Picture 550
NonaG2011: Flowers are happy things...
NonaG2011: Picture 216
NonaG2011: Picture 554
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NonaG2011: All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of yesterday...
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NonaG2011: "Each flower is a soul opening out to nature."
NonaG2011: Earth laughs in flowers...
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NonaG2011: last summer memories before cold winter...
NonaG2011: spring spirit
NonaG2011: IMG_4693
NonaG2011: IMG_4651
NonaG2011: beautiful colours of nature
NonaG2011: raindrops on Pandora's Flowers after rain....
NonaG2011: A thing of beauty is a joy forever...
NonaG2011: Raindrops on Pandora Flowers
NonaG2011: Pandora Flower
NonaG2011: Take time to stop and smell ....
NonaG2011: shiny raindrops
NonaG2011: raindrops on grass
NonaG2011: All things grow with love...