high hat beaver moustache man: We arrive at the island
high hat beaver moustache man: Still arriving at the island, I guess.
high hat beaver moustache man: Organizing the junk on the back deck.
high hat beaver moustache man: John filleting his sheephead
high hat beaver moustache man: John filleting his sheephead
high hat beaver moustache man: Things were chummy on board.
high hat beaver moustache man: Scuba chef doing his thing.
high hat beaver moustache man: The navy's cockamamie barge dock.
high hat beaver moustache man: Are you a pelican, or a pelican't?
high hat beaver moustache man: Night falls some more.
high hat beaver moustache man: Lookin' tough while gutting urchins.
high hat beaver moustache man: There was no green flash, but here's what it looked like right before it didn't happen.