high hat beaver moustache man: Flabellina iodinea
high hat beaver moustache man: Styela montereyensis
high hat beaver moustache man: Hermissenda crassicornis
high hat beaver moustache man: self portrait, from below
high hat beaver moustache man: shadow of the Mola mola
high hat beaver moustache man: Phacellophora camtschatica
high hat beaver moustache man: Phacellophora camtschatica
high hat beaver moustache man: Phacellophora camtschatica
high hat beaver moustache man: Paralabrax clathratus
high hat beaver moustache man: Pisaster giganteus
high hat beaver moustache man: I'm gonna go with Megathura crenulata
high hat beaver moustache man: Mexichromis porterae (two of 'em)
high hat beaver moustache man: good old Hermissenda crassicornis
high hat beaver moustache man: Giant kelp growth tip
high hat beaver moustache man: ornery looking kelp bass
high hat beaver moustache man: a lotta lobsters
high hat beaver moustache man: juvenile garibaldi
high hat beaver moustache man: Amphipholis squamata?
high hat beaver moustache man: Hermissenda trifecta
high hat beaver moustache man: White spotted rose