nomadtv: 20130318-IMG_0773
nomadtv: 20130318-IMG_0775
nomadtv: 20130318-IMG_0780
nomadtv: 20130318-IMG_0786
nomadtv: Crusader FOrge custome Oberland 2 with TAD Gear FAST pack EDC v2 - STOLEN 1/4/11 - If spotted please PM
nomadtv: Spartan Blades Horkus, TAD Gear Fast Pack EDC v2
nomadtv: Crusader Forge Oberland 2 Custom with Beretta 92fs, Tad Gear Fast Pack EDC v2 - STOLEN 1/11 !!
nomadtv: Knives get the point
nomadtv: ak-migs-bdf-d1-650
nomadtv: American pirate