MitsukoTonouchi: my hyperbolic garden
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic motifs
MitsukoTonouchi: A wall hanging
MitsukoTonouchi: A wall hanging
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic crochet
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic crochet2
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic necklace
MitsukoTonouchi: The Pseudo-sphere
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic plane
MitsukoTonouchi: hyperbolic ball
MitsukoTonouchi: the bottom of the sea
MitsukoTonouchi: submarines (sea creature)
MitsukoTonouchi: my aquarium
MitsukoTonouchi: at an aquarium2
MitsukoTonouchi: at an aquarium1