nolehace: huge bougainvillea in the garden
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata in the back bedroom
nolehace: Tillandsia seleriana
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata in the back room
nolehace: Tillandsia seleriana
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata in the back bedroom
nolehace: Neoporteria wagenkinectii cactus repotting 8-24*
nolehace: Bowiea volubilis, Neoporteria wagenkinectii, and Ledebouria socialis succulents repotted 8-24*
nolehace: Tillandsia latifolia var. pringlei 8-24
nolehace: Tillandsia duratii
nolehace: Spathiphyllum on the indoor back porch
nolehace: Neoporteria wagenkinectii repotted 8-24*
nolehace: Neoregelia punctatissimum flowers 8-24
nolehace: sunday streets; walking to the event, flowers 8-24
nolehace: sunday streets; plant 8-24*
nolehace: sunday streets; returning home at the end of the event, garden / plant 8-24
nolehace: sunday streets; plants in a home's front garden 8-24*
nolehace: sunday streets; plant / flower 8-24*
nolehace: sunday streets; plant / flowers 8-24*
nolehace: Echinopsis aff. eyresii cactus
nolehace: Echinocereus rigidissimus var. rubispinus cactus
nolehace: Neoregelia punctatissima 8-24
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata in the living room
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 8-24
nolehace: bougainvillea in the garden 8-24
nolehace: bougainvillea in the garden
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 8-24
nolehace: bougainvillea blooming in the garden
nolehace: walking to kazan and back 10.0; huge evergreen tree
nolehace: walking to kazan and back 10.0; potted succulents meant to discourage tents