nolehace: Zygopetalum maculatum species orchid
nolehace: sutro tower, sunset, and clouds taken from the living room window
nolehace: Laelia lobata var. alba species orchid, 1st bloom 4-24*
nolehace: Ledebouria socialis blooming, a succulent
nolehace: beginning to bloom, Cymbidium Legendary Karen hybrid orchid
nolehace: Brascidostele Gilded Tower 'Mystic Maze' hybrid orchid, new to the collection 2-24*
nolehace: Cymbidium Isle Flamingo 'Tri lip' peloric orchid hybrid
nolehace: Stanhopea wardii species orchid 2nd spike 8-08*
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata flower in the back bedroom
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; in the london breed contingent
nolehace: in downtown galveston
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; participants in the parade
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; the hearst building entrance along the parade route
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; another float
nolehace: Epidendrum lacustre species orchid
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; the mayor london breed contingent
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; architecture along the parade route
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; heavy petting zoo contingent
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; the genentech float / contingent
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; the palace hotel restaurant where i make my annual bathroom stop down the hall lol
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; the district attorney brook jenkins (ick) float
nolehace: Cymbidium x gammieanum species / natural primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; looking up market street towards the civic center, the celebration sight
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; rainbow colors everywhere, festive bicycle
nolehace: Miltonia clowesii 'Diego' species orchid
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Phalaenopsis orchid hybrid 2-18*
nolehace: walking to kazan and back 4.0; numbers / streetart
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; lots of beads
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; stanford university contingent
nolehace: 2024 pride parade; inflatable flamingo on a car roof