nolehace: invading from next door, morning glory flower
nolehace: Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' in the garden
nolehace: from next door, invasive morning glory flower
nolehace: a way-past-season bloom, Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Guzmania squarrosa in the garden 7-21
nolehace: cleaned garden section 7-21
nolehace: hydrangea in the garden
nolehace: first flowers of the season for Leonotis leonurus in the garden
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Ledebouria socialis, a succulent native to africa
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata loaned to the cottage for its open house 7-21
nolehace: late in the season, Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: bougainvillea and the cottage open house
nolehace: Melocactus matanzanus cactus
nolehace: 12 flower buds and ready to bloom, Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus in the garden
nolehace: australian Dianella tasmanica toxic fruit in the garden 7-21
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata donated for the cottage open house
nolehace: dahlia in golden gate park
nolehace: Aechmea nudicaulis in the garden 8-21
nolehace: main Epiphyllum garden area
nolehace: 1st of 12 flowers, Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: 5th of 6 spikes, Aechmea nudicaulis in the garden
nolehace: Dianella tasmanica fruit (toxic) in the garden
nolehace: plants in hiding during next door construction 8-21
nolehace: Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' in the garden
nolehace: 1of 6 spikes, Aechmea nudicaulis in the garden
nolehace: edible epiphyllum fruit 8-21
nolehace: Aechmea nudicaulis
nolehace: yard, garden, and patio plants before cleaning 8-21
nolehace: yard, garden, and patio plants after cleaning 8-21