nolehace: late in the season, Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Melocactus matanzanus cactus
nolehace: 12 flower buds and ready to bloom, Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus in the garden
nolehace: main Epiphyllum garden area
nolehace: 1st of 12 flowers, Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: edible epiphyllum fruit 8-21
nolehace: Melocactus matanzanus cactus
nolehace: Melocactus matanzanus cactus
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Echinopsis aff. eyresii cactus
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Echinopsis aff. eyresii cactus
nolehace: plants and orchids on the railing going down the back stairs
nolehace: way out of season, Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer] 8-21*
nolehace: Ledebouria socialis succulent
nolehace: Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer]
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer]
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: very out-of-season Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer]
nolehace: Echeveria Pulv-oliver primary hybrid succulent
nolehace: Gymnocalycium calochlorum cactus
nolehace: Echeveria Pulv-oliver primary hybrid succulent