nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: lost for many years, believed stolen, found bareroot between fences during constuction, repotted, Albuca bracteata in the garden 5-21*
nolehace: among the Cymbidiums, Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original] 6-21*
nolehace: Epiphyllum David's Golden Splendor
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original] 6-21*
nolehace: Epiphyllum David's Golden Splendor
nolehace: missed the name, Epiphyllum
nolehace: Epiphyllum Margarita
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #1]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original]
nolehace: Epiphyllum David's Golden Splendor
nolehace: Epiphyllum David's Golden Splendor
nolehace: cleaned garden area 6-21*
nolehace: cleaned garden area 6-21*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Margarita
nolehace: Epiphyllum Margarita
nolehace: Echinocereus rigidissimus var. rubrispinus
nolehace: Epiphyllum Debra Cartwright
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #1]
nolehace: divisions of Mammillaria wildii cactus that i gave my neighbor, now blooming
nolehace: Epiphyllum Debra Cartwright
nolehace: Epiphyllum Debra Cartwright
nolehace: division of Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #1]
nolehace: smaller division given to neighbor now blooming, Mammillaria wildii cactus
nolehace: Epiphyllum Three Oranges
nolehace: Epiphyllum Three Oranges