nolehace: #144 in a series: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Lycaste orchid (in explore: high was 321 on 3-29-18)
nolehace: my haul from the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: purchased bare root; Epidendrum fimbriatum species orchid 2-18
nolehace: Coelogyne Unchained Melody primary hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 3-18*
nolehace: Leptotes bicolor species orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium cucullatum species orchid 3-18
nolehace: Epidendrum tetraceros species orchid 3-18
nolehace: Dendrobium x delicatum natural primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Cymbidium hybrid orchid
nolehace: a rod mcclellan plant purchased many years ago, Cymbidium Unknown [E] hybrid orchid 3-18
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Epicattleya Twilight Fire hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [Father Michael #1] orchid hybrid
nolehace: Artorima erubescens species orchid, 1st bloom continues 3-18*
nolehace: Cymbidium Ivy Fung 'Harlequin' feathered hybrid orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium kingianum species orchid
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Cattleya loddigesii 'Short & Sweet' species orchid
nolehace: blooming twice in a year, Oncidium sphacelatum species orchid 3-18*
nolehace: Dockrillia striolata species orchid 3-18
nolehace: Dendrobium kingianum var. album orchid species
nolehace: Cymbidium Pumilow 'Sevier' primary hybrid orchid 4-18
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Lycaste orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Ivy Fung x Tapestry) hybrid orchid
nolehace: my haul from the 2018 pacific orchid exposition; Dendrobium friedericksianum orchid species 2-18
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: exhibit display
nolehace: 2 small spikes coming out of a big spike, Cymbidium Unknown [E] hybrid orchid 3-18
nolehace: Dendrobium Tania's Pride hybrid orchid 3-18
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: orchid
nolehace: Holcoglossum flavescens species orchid
nolehace: 2010 pacific orchid exposition Cymbidium Crisp Carrot 'May Heat' x Sunline 'Full of Lip' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Memoria Amelia Earhart 'New Horizons' hcc-aos hybrid orchid 4-18*
nolehace: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Wilsonara Debra Atwood 'Jake' hcc-aos hybrid orchid