nolehace: Maxillaria huebschii species orchid (explore: high was 277 on 2-19-15)
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Masdevallia lychniphora species orchid (explore: high was 104 on 3-23-14)
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Dendrobium amethystoglossum species orchid (explore: high was 120 on 3-27-14)
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Brassocattleya (Brassolaelia) Morning Glory 'H & R' hybrid orchid (explore: high was 70 on 3-26-14)
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Epidendrum orchid (explore: high was 63 on 3-28-14)
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset 'Showtime' HCC-AOS hybrid orchid (explore: high was 93 on 3-23-14)
nolehace: plant native to the trail to machu picchu, Masdevallia veitchiana 'Sol' orchid species (explore: high was 123 on 9-18-18)
nolehace: Dendrobium victoria-reginae ('Royal Blue' AM x 'Blues Brothers' HCC) orchid species, my second bloom 5-14* (explore: high was 68 on 11-7-16)
nolehace: Epiphyllum Three Oranges, 1st bloom 5-14* (explore: high was 40 on 6-13-14)
nolehace: Elleanthus cynarocephalus species orchid 12-14 (explore #88: high was 349 on 1-3-15)
nolehace: #60 in a series: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Dendrobium tobaense var. giganteum species orchid (explore: high was 158 on 3-18-18) 2-18*
nolehace: Sobralia Roseo-macrantha 'Leatrice Chrisitne' primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [c-o Karen] hybrid orchid spike
nolehace: 2019 san francisco pride parade, people
nolehace: 2019 san francisco pride parade, people
nolehace: wertheimer walkies; residential architecture 11-22*
nolehace: burning man at the oakland museum of ca, photograph of a photograph, lisa (project manager) & ted (movie prop maker) 1-20*
nolehace: Cymbidium tracyanum 'Citron Sunray' species orchid 11-22*
nolehace: mission walkies to zuckerberg sfgh to get a flu shot, residential architecture doors
nolehace: bougainvillea in the garden
nolehace: mission walkies to zuckerberg sfgh to get a flu shot, flowers
nolehace: scanned film photographs: trip to tahiti; back on land after cruise, new friend from cruise at hotel poolside (explore: high was 289 on 2-3-23) 6-86*
nolehace: the 2018 san francisco pride parade, the nudist contingent