nolehace: Cuitlauzina pulchella species orchid
nolehace: schlumbergera in the garden
nolehace: 49ers logo made from 12-pack soda boxes
nolehace: Dracula psyche species orchid
nolehace: at the 3-15 san francisco orchid society meeting, Dendrobium canaliculatum species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Memoria Leland Williams hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium tracyanum 'Citron Sunray' species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lowio-Mastersii (Charlesworthii) primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: photograph #4000 on my photostream Schlumbergera flowers
nolehace: Epidendrum bifalce species orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium odiosum species orchid, 1st bloom 5-16*
nolehace: an amanda lynn mural, on 9th at mission--gone now
nolehace: my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; tile & mirror mural / streetart 12-18*
nolehace: schlumbergera in the yard
nolehace: Brugmansia sanguinea
nolehace: end of series; returning home after the parade, the old grand theatre on mission street
nolehace: pt. reyes hike day with sue, naked lady flower 8-18*
nolehace: photographed at the 2017 pacific orchid & garden exposition, bromeliad
nolehace: Cattleya Unknown [Volunteer 1-2] hybrid orchid
nolehace: at the 3-15 san francisco orchid society meeting, Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset 'Showtime' hybrid orchid
nolehace: the 2016 pacific orchid exposition, Arpophyllum giganteum orchid species, cultural excellence award
nolehace: Laelia anceps species orchid
nolehace: my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; menorahs in a shop window 12-16*
nolehace: Epidendrum schweinfurthianum species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Ivy Fung x Tapestry) hybrid orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium glomeratum species orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium mohlianum species orchid
nolehace: the series continues (#197); my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; st. nicholas cathedral architecture on 15th 12-16*
nolehace: Dendrobium kingianum var. silcockii 'Sue' species orchid, given to me to grow 2-15, 1st bloom 3-16*
nolehace: Dendrobium glomeratum species orchid