nolehace: Coelogyne mooreana 'Brockhurst' FCC-AOS species orchid
nolehace: Coelogyne mooreana 'Brockhurst' orchid species (explore: high was 476 on 2-20-08)
nolehace: Coelogyne ochracea species orchid, acquired out of bloom 6-11, my 1st bloom of this plant 5-14*
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon 'Green Giant' 1-1 species orchid, 2nd bloom this season 11-15*
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid
nolehace: Cycnoches chlorochilon species orchid 2nd bloom/same season
nolehace: Cymbidium (Coraki 'Margaret' 4N x Yowie Flame 'Hawks Bay') hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Castle of Mey 'Cooksbridge Pinkie' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Castle of Mey 'Cooksbridge Pinkie' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Exeter Pomegranate hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Fan Freak peloric hybrid orchid, a new acquisition, 3-14*
nolehace: Cymbidium Gattonense primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium insigne species orchid, my 1st bloom 5-07*
nolehace: Cymbidium Legendary Karen hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium lowianum 'James Drysdale' orchid species
nolehace: Cymbidium lowianum 'James Drysdale' species orchid, 1st bloom 3-13*
nolehace: Cymbidium lowianum 'James Drysdale' species orchid, new to the collection 2-12*
nolehace: Cymbidium Lowio-Mastersii primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Mimi 'Mary Bea' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Mimi 'Mary Bea' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Moira 'Cinnabar' hybrid orchid, 3rd bloom 12-13*
nolehace: Cymbidium Pee Wee 'Sweetheart' primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Pywacket 'Wild Thing' orchid hybrid, 1st bloom 1-09* (explore: high was 237 on 1-28-09)
nolehace: Cymbidium Renee Taylor orchid hybrid (acquired as Hazel Tyers x Kabuki Moon 'Mahalo Steve'), 1st bloom 1-14*
nolehace: Cymbidium Strathdon 'Cooksbridge Fantasy' am/aos & b/csa peloric hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium tracyanum 'Citron Sunray' species orchid