nolehace: Odontocidium Unknown [Volunteer 2009] hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cattlianthe Hazel Boyd 'Tropical Fantasy' 1-1 hybrid orchid
nolehace: architecture of mission high school
nolehace: a series of images photographed at the altered barbie exhibition
nolehace: looking out my living room window with telephoto
nolehace: Cyrtochilum serratum species orchid spike being trained (many plants moved for access) 11-15
nolehace: Dendrobium victoria-reginae orchid species
nolehace: plate made in occupied japan
nolehace: Sobralia Veitchii primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; #28 walking up the 21st street hill, palm trees on dolores street 12-14*
nolehace: currently a wonderful open-to-the-public buddhist temple on 22nd street in san francisco's mission district; originally a lutheran church built in 1900
nolehace: valentine's day dinner party
nolehace: check out the purple hairs on Masdevallia veitchiana 'Sol' hcc-aos species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lowio-Mastersii primary hybrid orchid, my first bloom 1-09*
nolehace: a series of images photographed at the altered barbie exhibition
nolehace: Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T') hybrid orchid
nolehace: Turbinicarpus schmeidickeanus ssp. flaviflorus
nolehace: Cattleya forbesii 'Equilab' species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Bill Quinn hybrid orchid
nolehace: Phalaenopsis Unknown [Fire Royal Purple] hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 6-15*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Grecian Urn at the 2011 san francisco epiphyllum society show & sale
nolehace: Tillandsia bergeri, 1st bloom 5-15*
nolehace: Echinopsis eyriesii
nolehace: Sobralia rogersiana species orchid, 1st bloom 8-11*
nolehace: a series of images photographed at the altered barbie exhibition
nolehace: Dracula sodiroi species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Dorothy Stockstill 'Forgotten Fruit' hybrid orchid
nolehace: #5 in a series, dinner at wild pepper restaurant
nolehace: Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer]
nolehace: Oncidium flexuosum orchid species, 1st bloom continues 7-15*