nolehace: photographed at the 2007 cactus & succulent show
nolehace: Schlumbergera in the yard
nolehace: neighbor's succulent
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #3]
nolehace: Melocactus matanzanus
nolehace: Neoporteria wagenknechtii
nolehace: Epiphyllum Cookie
nolehace: Cleistocactus vulpis-cauda
nolehace: schlumbergera in the yard
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin 3]
nolehace: off-season, mid-february bloom of Epiphyllum Unknown [Original div.]
nolehace: photographed at the 2014 san francisco cactus & succulent society show & sale, Alcantarea imperialis from brazil
nolehace: walking around the city --succulent flower
nolehace: Epiphyllum Debra Cartwright
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #2]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Buttercup at the 2011 san francisco epiphyllum society show & sale
nolehace: acquired/tagged as Echinopsis melanocentrus, i questioned this and contacted the vendor and he apologized & re-identified it as Echinopsis melanopotamica, but i think it's Echinopsis eyriesii, the plant i originally wanted 6-14*
nolehace: my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; #18 jade plant in bloom 12-13*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Dracula
nolehace: Euphorbia horrida
nolehace: Epiphyllum Cookie
nolehace: Epiphyllum Gold Medal, 1st bloom 6-12*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Debra Cartwright
nolehace: Cleistocactus vulpis-cauda
nolehace: photographed at the 2009 northern california cactus & succulent association show & sale, Ferocactus chrysacanthus
nolehace: Neoporteria wagenknechtii
nolehace: Gymnocalycium baldianum
nolehace: Epiphyllum Gold Medal, 1st bloom 6-12*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #3]
nolehace: Epiphyllum Three Oranges, 1st bloom 5-14*