art deco architecture detail; third in a series of photographs taken of this art deco residential building near the bay
photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, Miltoniopsis orchid (explore: high was 454 on 3-28-14)
acquired/tagged as Echinopsis melanocentrus, i questioned this and contacted the vendor and he apologized & re-identified it as Echinopsis melanopotamica, but i think it's Echinopsis eyriesii, the plant i originally wanted 6-14*
photographed at the 2014 pacific orchid exposition, venus fly trap urinal for sale $13,500
photographed at the 2017 pacific orchid & garden exposition, Masdevallia decumana species orchid (explore: high was 339 on 3-5-17)
photographed at the 2009 pacific orchid exposition, Wilsonara Matoak Road 'Reine del Mar' hybrid orchid (explore: high was 457 on 3-15-09)
Cattlianthe (Cattleya) Chocolate Drop 'Volcano Queen' orchid primary hybrid, 2nd bloom 10-14*
photographed at the 2017 pacific orchid & garden exposition, Cattleya amethystoglossa palha x 'Palhina' speciies orchid
Stanhopea tigrina var. negroviolacea 'Glory of Mexico' species orchid (explore: high was 435 on 9-9-17) 8-17
my xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk; #91 it's now 3:55 pm, here's one of our naked folks, blurry due to fleeting moment to capture from across the street; the red is a stocking on his most private area (lol) 12-14*
#144 in a series: the 2018 pacific orchid exposition: Lycaste orchid (in explore: high was 321 on 3-29-18)