nolehace: Gongora galeata var. luteola species orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium victoria-reginae (‘Royal Blue’ AM x ‘Blues Brothers’ HCC) species orchid, new acquisition (aka replacement) 8-12*
nolehace: Neofinetia falcata species orchid, new acquisition/replacment 8-12*
nolehace: Angraecum didieri species orchid, new acquisition 8-12*
nolehace: Cyrtochilum macranthum (‘Peru’ x sib ORYZ) species orchid, new to the collection, then divided 8-12*
nolehace: Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T') hybrid orchid, new to the collection 8-12*
nolehace: Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T') hybrid orchid, new to the collection 8-12*
nolehace: a new acquisition, Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T') hybrid orchid, first bloom post-purchase, 8-12 *
nolehace: Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T') hybrid orchid, new acquisition 8-12*
nolehace: Sobralia (Mirabilis 'Summer White' x leucoxantha 'T'), new to the collection 8-12*
nolehace: Cyrtochilum macranthum (‘Peru’ x sib ORYZ) species orchid, new to the collection 8-12*
nolehace: Aerangis didieri species orchid, new acquisition 8-12*
nolehace: Dendrobium victoria-reginae (‘Royal Blue’ AM x ‘Blues Brothers’ HCC) species orchid, new replacement plant 8-12*
nolehace: Dendrobium hercoglossum species orchid, my 2nd bloom season continues 8-12*
nolehace: Dendrobium hercoglossum species orchid, 2nd bloom season continues 8-12*
nolehace: Dracula Quasimodo primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Bifrenaria atropurpurea species orchid, 4th annual august bloom, 8-12*
nolehace: Bifrenaria atropurpurea species orchid
nolehace: Colmanara Wildcat 'Green Valley' hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 8-12*
nolehace: Dichaea glauca species orchid, 1st bloom 7-12*
nolehace: Dichaea glauca species orchid 1st bloom 7-12*
nolehace: Rhynchostele uro-skinneri ('Art Dennington' x 'Santa Barbara') species orchid, 1st bloom in four years 7-12*
nolehace: Dendrobium hercoglossum species orchid, 2nd bloom season 7-12*
nolehace: Encyclia adenocaula species orchid, 2nd bloom 7-12*
nolehace: Epidendrum aff. ibaguense orchid species, 1st bloom 7-12*
nolehace: 'til next time, Dendrobium farmeri species orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium farmeri species orchid
nolehace: Myoxanthus reymondii species orchid
nolehace: Myoxanthus reymondii species orchid
nolehace: Phalaenopsis Baldan's Kaleidoscope hybrid orchid