nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, an orchid award winner 2-12*
nolehace: Cyrtochilum aureum species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium x gammieanum natural primary hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 11-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Exeter Pomegranate hybrid orchid
nolehace: Oncidium sotoanum species orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Miltassia orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Sophronitis coccinea species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Leroy Naia (Son of Freak x Langleyense) sepal peloric hybrid orchid, new to the collection 3-12*
nolehace: Cymbidium Moira 'Del Norte' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Dendrobium Wannee Stripe hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lewis Knudsen 'Arbor Lil' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lewis Knudsen 'Arbor Lil' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Camaro 'Sunbird' x India Tea 'Superlative') hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lotza Spotz hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Big Tashio 'New Horizon' x Devon Railway 'New Horizon' 4N) 'Nolehace' orchid hybrid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lotza Spots 'Rome' hybrid orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Paphiopedilum orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Cymbidium (Sangria 'Ronnie x Cinnamon Wall 'Cinnamon') hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Renee Taylor (Hazel Tyers x Kabuki Moon 'Mahalo Steve') hybrid orchid, new acquisition 3-12*
nolehace: Dracula sodiroi species orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Laelia anceps species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [F] hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [Father Michael 8] hybrid orchid
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Dendrobium Gillieston 'Nataly' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Renee Taylor (Hazel Tyers x Kabuki Moon 'Mahalo Steve') hybrid orchid, new to the collection 3-12; originator is s. thai, registered 5-12*
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Cymbidium Hazel Fay hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Goodnight George 'Geyersland' x Sunline 'Geyserland') 'Nolehace' hybrid orchid, 1st bloom seedling 3-12*
nolehace: Cyrtochilum aureum species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Fatal Beauty hybrid orchid with some peloric looking petals
nolehace: seen at the 2012 pacific orchid exposition, Dendrobium speciosum ssp. grandiflorum species orchid