nolehace: Cymbidium Enzan Forest hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Ivy Fung x Tapestry) hybrid orchid [1-1-1]
nolehace: Cymbidium Moira 'Del Norte' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Mimi 'Mary Bea' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium (Camaro 'Sunbird' x India Tea 'Superlative') orchid hybrid
nolehace: Cymbidium Ivy Fung 'Red Radiance' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Sheretta 'Pink Lace' hybrid orchid "bleeding"
nolehace: Cymbidium Vidar 'Harlequin' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Dante's Inferno hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 3-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [Father Michael 1] orchid hybrid
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [F] hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium iridioides species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Memoria Jerry Garcia hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Lotza Spots 'Rome' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Dorothy Stockstill 'Forgotten Fruit' hybrid orchid, 1st bloom continues 5-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Unknown [Jury Duty] hybrid orchid, 1st bloom 2-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Renee Taylor (Hazel Tyers x Kabuki Moon 'Mahalo Steve') hybrid orchid, new to the collection 3-12*
nolehace: Cymbidium Orchid Conference 'Tamiko' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Eburneo-Lowianum primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium x gammieanum natural primary hybrid orchid, my 1st bloom 11-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Moira 'Del Norte' hybrid orchid--very fragrant
nolehace: Cymbidium tracyanum species orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium pseudoballianum species orchid--3rd spike of my 1st bloom 10-11*
nolehace: Cymbidium Red Sox 'Windermere' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Orchid Conference 'Tamiko' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Vidar 'Harlequin' hybrid peloric orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Langleyense primary hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Spectrum 'Pink Satin' orchid hybrid
nolehace: Cymbidium Wallacia 'Burnt Orange' hybrid orchid
nolehace: Cymbidium Nandi 'Green Giant' hybrid orchid