marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Happy New Year
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: A Day of Firsts
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: The Twin Set
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Chasing A Ball...
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Watching: Fence Friday Edition
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Yesterday's Walk
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Birding Watching
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: The Bird Bath
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: On The Other Side...
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Today I will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant in which case I will eat a cookie.
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Waiting Yesterday Morning
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Comfort Food
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Found Hanging...A Bundle of Love ♥
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: ♥ Happy Fence Friday Everyone ♥
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Winter Pillows
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: ♥Enough Said♥
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Sign of The Pig
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: A Sweet Start
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: All That's Remains
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Going to Work The Green Way
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Happy ♥Dog Park♥ Fence Friday All!
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Love This Tree
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: I Bought Tulips
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Dinner Saturday Night
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Good Morning ♥
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: Listen Up Guys