めるこ: Happy New Year 2016
めるこ: Wind in her hair
めるこ: Sorrow and expectations
めるこ: I wanna be Stay with you
めるこ: Jonan-Gu Shrine maiden
めるこ: Jonan-Gu Weeping plum1
めるこ: Jonan-Gu Weeping plum2
めるこ: Jonan-Gu Camellia and moss
めるこ: 彼岸桜 Early flowering cherry tree
めるこ: Cherry blossoms falling in the wind
めるこ: Kyoto Yawata Sakura 八幡桜まつり(淀川背割堤1)
めるこ: Kyoto Yawata Sakura 八幡・淀川背割堤2
めるこ: 植物園 Botanical garden
めるこ: 植物園 Botanical garden
めるこ: 植物園 Botanical garden
めるこ: All are made of Lego. Complex of Hue Monuments
めるこ: Love it
めるこ: 余裕のまぼろし・・・らしい
めるこ: September Sunflower3
めるこ: September Sunflower1
めるこ: September Sunflower2
めるこ: 10/10/16 季節のご挨拶的な