nogoodnik: baby horse
nogoodnik: sombe
nogoodnik: clouds from the resort
nogoodnik: inlet
nogoodnik: sunset in vieques
nogoodnik: the beach at our resort
nogoodnik: logo of the organization who did the bunker art
nogoodnik: bird defeating jet
nogoodnik: dragonfly defeating gun
nogoodnik: mermaid and manta
nogoodnik: flowers growing from tank
nogoodnik: butterflies defeating helicopter
nogoodnik: my favorite of the bunker art
nogoodnik: mount pirata
nogoodnik: geocaching by the bunkers in vieques
nogoodnik: a little friend
nogoodnik: empty bunkers
nogoodnik: certified empty
nogoodnik: more bunker art
nogoodnik: creepy
nogoodnik: tree with vines in the road
nogoodnik: open-air chapel
nogoodnik: wild horse
nogoodnik: rented jeep license plate
nogoodnik: plane flying into vieques
nogoodnik: handwritten signs like this were all over the island
nogoodnik: pine tree on mosquito pier
nogoodnik: geocaching on mosquito pier
nogoodnik: the ferry at mosquito pier
nogoodnik: mosquito pier