noemiep13: Rita...she follows us everywhere.jpg
noemiep13: Fetilizing trees...thats was our work here.jpg
noemiep13: Mushroom hunting...Rita didnt find any.jpg
noemiep13: DSC_0360.jpg
noemiep13: not eatible...or at least we didnt.jpg
noemiep13: not eatible...or at least we didnt-1.jpg
noemiep13: eatible...we made wild mushroom pasta!.jpg
noemiep13: brian rounding up the chickens 1-0398.jpg
noemiep13: brian rounding up the chickens 2-0402.jpg
noemiep13: DSC_0407.jpg
noemiep13: view of uzumlu-0414.jpg
noemiep13: uzumlu-0418.jpg
noemiep13: uzumlu...women bringing her olives home from her fields-0425.jpg
noemiep13: uzumlu...walking the goats to get firewood-0426.jpg
noemiep13: uzumlu...walking to go to Pide House for lunch-0428.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye cat...looks like the beast from beaty and the beast-.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye-0441.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye-0454.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye...can see the Tombs carved into the mountain-0463.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye tombs-0472.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye tombs-0477.jpg
noemiep13: DSC_0482.jpg
noemiep13: Fethiye is know for hand building boats-0483.jpg
noemiep13: this one is not doing so well-0488.jpg
noemiep13: view of Fethiye-0500.jpg
noemiep13: Shawn picked a lemon-0516.jpg
noemiep13: Walk around Fethiye peninsula-0522.jpg
noemiep13: Walk around Fethiye peninsula-0530.jpg
noemiep13: Walk around Fethiye peninsula-0536.jpg
noemiep13: Walk around Fethiye peninsula-0542.jpg