Noé Cantú: perquè sí
Noé Cantú: aquesta també
Noé Cantú: 2. Each little flower that opens,
Noé Cantú: mira...sol
Noé Cantú: Blonay
Noé Cantú: girasol
Noé Cantú: al Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
Noé Cantú: flors de ceràmica
Noé Cantú: 7. He gave us eyes to see them,
Noé Cantú: Every time I look at you, I think of him.
Noé Cantú: ratlles i més ratlles, fins i tot ratlles ratllades
Noé Cantú: pour Sophie
Noé Cantú: I only have one pair of eyes
Noé Cantú: Balance itself is the good
Noé Cantú: Alone, but not lonely
Noé Cantú: my 3-headed yellow daisy gerber, viewed from the front
Noé Cantú: my 3-headed yellow daisy gerber, viewed from above