Noebie: waiting in o'hare
Noebie: cj watching the breakers
Noebie: cliff house
Noebie: champagne brunch
Noebie: camera obscura at cliff house
Noebie: noebie @ cliff house 2
Noebie: noebie @ cliff house
Noebie: outside cliff house
Noebie: breakers
Noebie: on the rocks
Noebie: shore near cliff house
Noebie: beach near cliff house
Noebie: city lights bookstore
Noebie: mural near city lights
Noebie: claudi near city lights
Noebie: ferlighetti quote
Noebie: cj at city lights
Noebie: st. peter and paul
Noebie: alcatraz
Noebie: @ nova
Noebie: at nova
Noebie: at nova for cocktails
Noebie: outside the drake
Noebie: sears fine food
Noebie: zoetrope
Noebie: noe and market
Noebie: 17th and noe
Noebie: in the noe valley
Noebie: TCHO chocolate HQ
Noebie: golden gate bridge