nodomain1: Drive crash
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: making recovery discs
nodomain1: Remove the battery
nodomain1: Screws to remove
nodomain1: More screws
nodomain1: depress the keyboard release tabs
nodomain1: keyboard lifted away
nodomain1: even more screws to remove
nodomain1: removing the palm rest
nodomain1: removing the palm rest
nodomain1: palm rest folded away
nodomain1: more screws
nodomain1: remove the hard drive
nodomain1: fold back the plastic cover
nodomain1: sony likes to tape things
nodomain1: I label everything
nodomain1: get the BIOS all set for the new drive
nodomain1: plug in the new drive
nodomain1: get the BIOS all set for the new drive
nodomain1: get the BIOS all set for the new drive