Nodding Pig: Just pretend the sun is shining ...
Nodding Pig: Formerly for fuel
Nodding Pig: 128 57½
Nodding Pig: Murky morning at Mud Lane
Nodding Pig: Where national networks meet
Nodding Pig: The sun creeps up over the Strawberry Line
Nodding Pig: Off to the big city
Nodding Pig: Bursting out at Backwell Bow
Nodding Pig: Structural steel casts a shadow
Nodding Pig: First bite of the cherry
Nodding Pig: Still blue
Nodding Pig: On the straight and narrow
Nodding Pig: The berries are ripening
Nodding Pig: How now, brown cow?
Nodding Pig: Things change
Nodding Pig: The babbling brook
Nodding Pig: Pole position
Nodding Pig: Back on the rock
Nodding Pig: Heavy metal on the longest day
Nodding Pig: Making hay while the sun shines
Nodding Pig: Green dragon at St Georges
Nodding Pig: Under Hildesheim Bridge
Nodding Pig: Journey's beginning
Nodding Pig: A temporary regression
Nodding Pig: New road, new train
Nodding Pig: A close thing
Nodding Pig: Quest - coda
Nodding Pig: Understated entrance
Nodding Pig: Same old, same new
Nodding Pig: Seaside suburban