noctorum: dun mill hungerford
noctorum: dun mill lock hungerford
noctorum: eric and ern not getting a notice
noctorum: eric morecambe
noctorum: ernie wise
noctorum: fishing hungerford
noctorum: gnome hungerford
noctorum: leaves hungerford common
noctorum: littlecote house
noctorum: littlecote house door
noctorum: littlecote house drive
noctorum: on the road to kintbury
noctorum: phone box inkpen
noctorum: pumpkins hungerford
noctorum: roman villa mosiac floor littlecote hungerford
noctorum: sheeps littlecote hungerford
noctorum: vitamin T - hungerford common
noctorum: 2000 year old well roman remains littlecote hungerford. i'll be honest- this blows my mind..
noctorum: balloon hungerford
noctorum: bird of prey littlecote hungerford
noctorum: bows and arrows
noctorum: chair littlecote hungerford
noctorum: chicken world littlecote hungerford
noctorum: flowers by the canal
noctorum: eric and ern hungerford
noctorum: flat rat - probably
noctorum: eric and ern - lost - very decidely lost
noctorum: hungerford offy and christmas tree
noctorum: hungerford high street christmas 2005
noctorum: hungerford townhall christmas 2005