nobuflickr: 長谷寺の新緑(Hase-dera temples fresh green)
nobuflickr: 長谷寺の新緑(Hase-dera temple)
nobuflickr: 龍安寺の新緑/Ryouan-ji temples fresh green)
nobuflickr: 南禅寺(Nanzenji temple)
nobuflickr: 南禅寺(Nanzenji temple)
nobuflickr: 新緑
nobuflickr: 祇園白川の新緑(fresh green)
nobuflickr: Fresh green
nobuflickr: Fresh green/新緑
nobuflickr: 新緑の興聖寺 / fresh green in Kouseiji-temple)
nobuflickr: 南禅寺の新緑/Fresh green in Nanzen-ji temple
nobuflickr: 南禅寺の新緑/Fresh green in Nanzenji-temple
nobuflickr: 円山公園の新緑と青鷺 / Fresh green&heron
nobuflickr: 朴の木の新緑
nobuflickr: The fresh green of national treasure Himeji-jo Castle
nobuflickr: A shadow of a leaf
nobuflickr: 白川の新緑
nobuflickr: Fresh green
nobuflickr: A torii of a Simogamo-jinja shrine shining in the fresh green
nobuflickr: Fresh green in Tadasuno-mori forest
nobuflickr: Maple leaves of the fresh green
nobuflickr: Maple leaves of the fresh green
nobuflickr: 南禅寺水路閣の新緑
nobuflickr: Fresh green 
nobuflickr: The kyot botanic garden
nobuflickr: The kyot botanic garden
nobuflickr: 京都府立植物園の正面入り口に続く並木道/An avenue to the Kyoto botanical garden
nobuflickr: 青蓮院の新緑/Fresh green in Syourenin temple
nobuflickr: 青蓮院の新緑/Fresh green in Syourenin temple
nobuflickr: シダレエンジュ/Sophora japonica var. pendula