nobuflickr: ひるがの高原の鯉のぼり/A carp streamer from Hirugano-kogen
nobuflickr: 京都の春は桜
nobuflickr: 高山祭/Takayama Spring Festival
nobuflickr: 大田神社の杜若/IRIS
nobuflickr: From the water purification plant where an azalea blooms
nobuflickr: The fresh green of national treasure Himeji-jo Castle
nobuflickr: 姫路城と桜
nobuflickr: 姫路城と桜
nobuflickr: A torii of a Simogamo-jinja shrine shining in the fresh green
nobuflickr: 錦帯橋/Kintaikyou-bridge
nobuflickr: 高千穂峡谷
nobuflickr: 阿蘇の草原と青空
nobuflickr: The house of the mythical village
nobuflickr: 雲が湧く
nobuflickr: The garden of Hikone-jo Castle.
nobuflickr: The garden of Hikone-jo Castle.
nobuflickr: The garden of Hikone-jo Castle.
nobuflickr: ブルーメの丘
nobuflickr: 毘沙門堂の紅葉
nobuflickr: 雪の清水寺
nobuflickr: 菜の花畑と比良山
nobuflickr: 大阪城の梅園
nobuflickr: 伏見酒蔵(松本酒造)とセイヨウカラシ /A brewing factory of the sake
nobuflickr: I thank much flickr friends. It passed for one year since I began flickr.
nobuflickr: 海津大崎の桜
nobuflickr: 橘寺とヒガンバナ
nobuflickr: 落日燃ゆ/Sunset
nobuflickr: 白根山湯釜/A crater lake Mt.Shirane
nobuflickr: 草津温泉
nobuflickr: 白根山からの夕焼け