Noble Bunny:
One of the albino Nutria clan at Ridgefield Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Red-shouldered Hawk in Ridgefield
Noble Bunny:
Loggerhead Shrike 4-27-17 Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Loggerhead Shrike 4-27-17 Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Loggerhead Shrike 4-27-17 Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Yellow-rumped Warbler- Audubon's x Myrtle Intergrade 4-12-17 Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Brewer's Sparrow 4-25-17 Steigerwald National Wildlife Reserve
Noble Bunny:
Vesper Sparrow 5-4-17 Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge
Noble Bunny:
Blech...I think that frog I just ate was past it's experation date.
Noble Bunny:
Red-shouldered...handsome fella.
Noble Bunny:
Red-shouldered Juvenile/Immature
Noble Bunny:
Franklin's Gull- Lifer! Quite rare for this area.
Noble Bunny:
Yellow-breasted Chat 6-8-17 Shillapoo Lake State Wildlife Area
Noble Bunny:
Yellow-breasted Chat- Lifer
Noble Bunny:
A handsome Domestic Mallard
Noble Bunny:
Threatened Dusky Canada Goose
Noble Bunny:
Dusky Goose- Threatened
Noble Bunny:
Snowy Egret in Washington...Wait What!?
Noble Bunny:
Eurasian second lifer in one day!
Noble Bunny:
The Odd Couple
Noble Bunny:
Snowy Egret & Great Egret
Noble Bunny:
What kind of goose am I?
Noble Bunny:
Greater White-fronted Goose x Canada Goose?
Noble Bunny:
Red-shouldered Hawk
Noble Bunny:
Red-shouldered Hawk- So that happened...
Noble Bunny:
Our local odd duck that's a goose
Noble Bunny:
A Snowy Egret in Washington State
Noble Bunny:
The Maverick
Noble Bunny:
Mystery Goose Hybrid for ID