kitt.: Innards of a "talking sign for the blind"
kitt.: Top of the Hydrant
kitt.: Water drops on fuzzy leaf
kitt.: Bee train
kitt.: Tea leaves
kitt.: Water droplet
kitt.: Peppermints
kitt.: Shnoz
kitt.: weed? flower? yes.
kitt.: Sushi bite
kitt.: Drupal FTW!
kitt.: Up close and personal with the cash
kitt.: Plant on hike
kitt.: Making sense of cents
kitt.: It's on!
kitt.: Broken
kitt.: Reflection
kitt.: Marker
kitt.: Not a Catan piece
kitt.: Food porn
kitt.: Dog pile!
kitt.: The Manual
kitt.: mmmmmmmmm
kitt.: Mushrooms
kitt.: Ginko drops
kitt.: Bottle
kitt.: Fire!
kitt.: No. 74
kitt.: Yellow cosmos